Don't you just love the rich colors of Fall? The deep purples, reds and oranges create such a gorgeous backdrop for a family meal. I love Christmas, but I'm not ready to skip over Thanksgiving just yet! :) I have been happily working away this week at preparing our … [Read more...]
Get ready to dive into the world of DIY projects on our category page! Discover an array of hands-on inspiration that will spark your creativity. From home decor to crafts and more, we've got a variety of projects for every skill level. Get ready to have fun with exciting DIY adventures!
DIY Vanilla Pudding Mix
Some of the best cookies I've ever had are pudding cookies. Do you know what I mean? The cookie dough with instant pudding mix in the dough. They come out so fluffy and soft and chewy and I need to go make some cookies! :) Anyway, when I saw a recipe for making my … [Read more...]
Fall Mantel Decor
I am so proud of myself. I saw something on the side of the road waiting for the trash man, and I rescued it. Now, for a typical DIY blogger, that's just known as Tuesday. But for me, it's a bit of a stretch from my comfort zone. I saw a broken entertainment center sitting near … [Read more...]
Beeswax Gum
Last week in our Homeschool Co-op we studied the state of Maine. During that study, we found out that John B. Curtis made and sold the first commercial chewing gum in 1848 called State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. This sent me off on a search to see if we could make our own … [Read more...]
DIY Tin Can Lantern: Vol. 2, Day 55
Today in our homeschool co-op, we studied the state of Virginia. This led to a study of Jamestown, the first successful English colony. I searched and searched for something interesting to do with the kids relating to colonial life, and came up with these DIY Tin Can … [Read more...]
DIY Push Pin Art: Vol. 2, Day 54
The sun is shining, the grass has started growing again (our neighborhood smelled like freshly cut grass last Saturday) and flowers are blooming. Spring is here!!! I know that we don't really have much of a winter in Southern California, but I still love Spring. It's my … [Read more...]
DIY Bracelet Organizer: Vol. 2, Day 50
This week I've been dealing with a serious case of writer's block/lack of motivation/busy life overtaking blogging time! I finally got around to a little project I've been meaning to finish- this DIY bracelet organizer. I have a little jewelry tree that I use to hang my … [Read more...]
DIY Dryer Sheets: Vol. 2, Day 49
Sometimes a photo will go viral on Facebook or just fill the home feed on Pinterest. That kind of thing is exactly why I started this blog. I kept seeing things online and thinking, Really? But does it really work? Is it that easy? I've had a few failures and … [Read more...]
DIY Painted Christmas Ornaments: Vol. 2, Day 43
I have a love/hate relationship with today's post. You see, we decided to have an ornament exchange for our co-op's Christmas party and I was excited to try these DIY Painted Ornaments I had seen floating around Pinterest. The clear globes were so popular this year, … [Read more...]
DIY Pallet Sign Tutorial
Pinterest continues to push me out of my comfort zone and into the exciting world of DIY. Or maybe it's the great new bloggers I've "met" online who inspire me to try new things. Either way, I knew I wanted to try a DIY pallet sign at some point. What I … [Read more...]
DIY Wrinkle Releaser: Vol. 2, Day 28
When I was in college, I made it my personal goal to avoid ironing at all costs. I managed to go for weeks without every ironing a thing. And I wasn't wearing jeans and t-shirts, either. I attended a conservative Bible college where the men wore shirts and ties and the … [Read more...]
Framed Quote Bubbles: Vol. 2, Day 26
I LOVE the age of 3. The things that a 3-year-old will say are so sweet and unique and sometimes insightful. I don't know how many times I told myself, "I need to write that down," when Henry would spout some words of wisdom. Sadly, I didn't always … [Read more...]