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Get those grimy floors clean with this heavy duty tile floor cleaner! It is perfect for getting rid of the “boy bathroom” smell!
I really hate to clean my floors. It’s my least favorite household chore. With three boys, two dogs and a cat, however, it’s a necessary evil. 🙂
At least I have a heavy duty tile floor cleaner that makes it less of a chore. The kitchen really isn’t too bad. I love my wood laminate floors because most of the time, a damp paper towel will do the trick.
But the bathrooms? Now that’s a different story.
I live in a house populated by males. Anyone with boys knows what that “boy bathroom smell” is like. It’s always there-wafting through the house like an Oscar the Grouch version of a Glade plug-in.
But this DIY tile floor cleaner just might be my salvation.
This DIY “recipe” from is for heavy-duty cleaning like in a commercial kitchen. It is designed to be a grease cutter. And it works great on the kitchen floor.
The problem with using ammonia based cleaners like Pine-Sol in the bathroom is that it just seems to make the pee smell even worse. And why use expensive and harsh chemicals when you don’t have to?
Seriously, my bathroom smells great and the floors look clean. At least for the next 12 seconds.
Please note: this tile floor cleaner does not work on wood laminate floors. It will leave a soapy residue and you don’t want to use that much water on a laminate floor anyway.
If you’re looking for a great cleaning solution for a wood laminate floor, this is the one. I’ve tested multiple floor cleaner mixtures and I love how fresh and clean my floor gets with just a little spray of this cleaner and a good dust mop. The O-Cedar dust mop is my favorite.
What you need to make Heavy Duty Tile Floor Cleaner:
- distilled white vinegar-you can purchase it by the gallon on the cleaning aisle in most grocery stores
- Dawn liquid dish soap-use the original blue kind for the best results
- washing soda-this can be found in the laundry aisle of the grocery store
- very warm water
- bucket and mop
Tile Floor Cleaner
- 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
- 1/4 cup washing soda
- 1 tsp liquid dish soap
- 2 gallons very warm water
- 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar, 1/4 cup washing soda, 1 tsp liquid dish soapMix the vinegar, washing soda and dish soap in the bottom of the bucket.
- 2 gallons very warm waterAdd the very warm water and mix well.
- Mop the floor with the solution. It shouldn't need to be rinsed afterwards, but if you notice a soapy residue, wipe it down with a damp towel. Air dry.
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Jenny says
Another vote for Murphy’s oil soap. I feel like I have tried everything and this just works the best.
In the bathrooms I have the kids use Norwex bathroom cleaner with a cloth. Works great
Sarah Kite says
Wonderful tips! Thank you for sharing!
Betty Irvin says
I used this yesterday and when I was drying with a towel there was “fuzzy residue” coming up as I dried. Is that the remnants of past cleaner buildup? I used to use mop and glow…….just wondering if I have a buildup of old cleaner that needs to be stripped somehow and if so, how to do it in a minimally labor intensive way. I have a lot of tile in my house. By the way the section that I got done looks really good!
Lynne says
I have had similar experience using Mop and Glow. No longer use it because of the sticky buildup.
Pat says
Ladies, I have to say this after reading all of the above. You all know why the shower tile gets dirty. The shower has to be dried after each use otherwise mildew shows up. We do this everytime in our fairly new house for eight years and no mildew or mold shows up. When I was young and stupid we didn’t do it and it was a mess. The weekly cleaning still needs to be done but you’re not fighting the black stuff anymore. It takes a few minutes and it’s a lifesaver.
Joan says
I’m sure it’s the right thing to do however then you have a soaked towel (everyday) and so what then ? My intentions have been good but get tired of that as well. Suggestions ??
LW says
Squeegee instead?
Nicole says
I keep one of those $0.99 spray bottles of diluted white vinegar in each of the showers and we just quickly mist the whole shower after getting out. No mold or mildew yet and I hate to admit it but I only scrub our showers every 2-3 weeks. While regularly emptying trash or picking up laundry I do wipe the bottoms of those pesky soap “alcoves” because they hold quite a bit of water.
V says
I keep a scrubby in the shower for a quick clean up while shower walls are wet
Janine says
Use a sqeegie
Kim says
Thank you
Michele Davis says
I have hardwood,and laminate wood floors in all of the rooms except for the kitchen which has ceramic tile. I use Murphy’s Oil soap on my wood floors. Murphy’s has a cleaner that is wonderful for quick cleaning. Look for it next to the original Murphy
Sandra says
When I used Murphys on my wood floors, it left a cloudy residue. What did I do wrong?
Pat says
You have to rinse floors after using that soap. Your floors will be slippery. Now the real truth. We have wooden floors from the mill. They come in unfinished and contractor does the work to finish them. Water and wood don’t like one another. This is what was suggested. Pour Luke warm water in bucket, dip cloth, yes, I said cloth as mop has too much water on it no matter how much you squeeze it. Make sure the floor is vacuumed, always, otherwise you pick up junk. Rub the floor gently and then dry. Some suggest a splash of white vinegar but I find it dulls it too. So let’s wrap it up as follows. Every day the floors need a dry mop, no Swifter as it is treated chemically. I talked to the factory and they confirmed it. No shoes in the house whatsoever. By keeping floors clean there is less washing needed as its not good. If you have central air, keep Windows/doors closed as it keeps your house cleaner.
Caseman says
I have to tell you what I learned years ago from an older lady that lived on a farm had a food business and believed in CLEAN! Since you wont give up Dawn dish soap, I will NEVER either. (Take a shower with it and you wont get chigger bites, poison ivy, and usually no ticks. That is if your going to be out in a place to get those. Just dont do on a daily basis.) Anyway, I know the crazy is home cleaners and I do SOME but an picky which ones and I always seem to change the recipe. All you need for pretty much anything you clean, is water, a squirt of dish soap (blue Dawn) and a a couple Tablespoons of bleach. You can clean anything from antique wood to you toilet. In the long run, these 2 ingredients will save instead of buying all the stuff to make these products. A sink full of water only needs like a cap full of bleach to sanitize. Use it correctly and $3.50 for bleach will last months. Add some Lemon if you want the smell. It wont hurt!
I normally never comment on any posts or blogs, but since ladys were asking about this and that on this floor, ect I thought I would offer the solution to ALL types of floor questions. I also clean houses so I have used many products over the years. I know what I have the best luck with and what the customers say is the cleanest they have ever seen it.
I sincerely hope I did not offend or hurt anyone’s feeling, views, or opinions. I honestly did not mean to. I’m only offering advise from an 83 yr old lady and personal experience.
Nicole Burkholder says
I used to shower with it in the summer when we lived in Texas. That’s what the locals said to do for chiggers 🙂 Thanks for your comment!
Cynthia says
Thank you! I have spent a fortunate on cleaning stuff and I bet your way is the best way. Thanks, again.
Nicole Burkholder says
It’s certainly cheaper! 🙂 Just be sure you do NOT use it on wood laminate floors as I mention in the post. It’s best on tile floor for sure.
Madeline says
How about using it clean other types of kitchen floors?
Nicole Burkholder says
It didn’t work well on linoleum floors for me, and if you have wood laminate floors, you’ll want to use this mixture instead:
Liz says
I did not see anything about rinsing the floors afterward
Nicole Burkholder says
As long as you use a very small amount of the dish soap, you shouldn’t need to rinse afterwards. If I get too heavy handed with the soap, then there’s a film left over afterwards when I don’t rinse. But usually, just a simple mop and dry will do (you can skip the drying, but inevitably I’ve got a kid or two who needs to use the restroom, so I towel dry right away.) 🙂
Penny says
Ms. Caseman, thank you for your information. You should respond more often….it doesn’t hurt feelings, I love hearing from people with a lifetime of experience. I am 60, an enthusiastic lifetime learner and always want to know more. Wishing you happy holidays and a marvelous, healthy new year. 🙂
April says
You can’t mix dawn and bleach. The dawn bottle even says do not add bleach. This causes a dangerous chemical reaction and releases toxic fumes. Please do not do this, ladies.
Mary says
I have used Dawn with bleach forever and i dont have a proble. With it that I’m aware of.
Trish says
If you don’t mind burning a few brain cells up every time you do this even tho you are told not to that’s your problem just don’t tell others to do it
janice says
Well you’re inhaling poisonous gasesWhich is not good for your lungs. I used to work with chemicals Now I’m on oxygen
V says
It is toxic. You probably didn’t use enough of either once it was diluted. Make sure to diluted bleach in water before adding dawn
Tonia says
Caution: The bottle of Dawn I have spercificall states do not mix with bleach. Just make sure to read labels if deciding to use an online suggestion.
Robin says
What do you suggest to clean vinyl tile squares that look like brick? I can’t seem to get them really clean. I know I have to be careful so they won’t come up. It was a very expensive floor when it was professionally installed.
Nicole Burkholder says
I would go with Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix 1 cup of ACV with a gallon of hot water and mop or hand wash. The acidity is great for cleaning without leaving a film from soap or other cleaners. It stinks a little, but the smell will go away as the the floor dries. Be sure to rinse the mop or rag with water as you go along. Good luck!
Pelma says
When I had my ceramic floor tile put in… this is all I would use. Friends always confirmented my floors.
Carolyn says
I was told by my tile man to use very warm water and vinegar on my newly installed tile floors. After 5 years the floors still look new.
Tammy says
Can I use it on my wood floors?
Nicole Burkholder says
This doesn’t do well with waxed surfaces (if you’re talking hard wood floors.) I’ve also tried it on my wood laminate flooring and it was too much. For those, you only need a hint of cleaner and a dry mop. Here’s a link to that cleaner
Dawn says
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. I will use this! 🌞
Michele says
Can I use it in ceramic tile and does it need to be rinsed to get the residue off the floor?
Vicki Hardin says
Good afternoon. Tried this on my laminate floors and it looks like it is one big water stain. A distressed look. Went and got some ZEP laminate cleaner and that did not work. Do you know of anyway I can get the shiny color back for my floors. Many thanks in advance.
Nicole Burkholder says
I mention in the post in several places that this cleaner is for TILE floors, and definitely NOT for wood laminate flooring. It doesn’t work well on linoleum, either. I do have a great cleaner for wood laminate floors. But the key is to just BARELY use any water on laminate flooring. Dry mopping is the way to go, and then just spot clean with a light mist of cleaner. You can see that laminate cleaner here.
Nicole says
Since the wood laminate floors usually have a thin veneer layer on top you could try Amish wood milk. Its worth a try and will not do any harm.
Debbie says
I always shower with it after heavy duty gardening. Use it just in case I have had contact with Poison Ivy. Works like a charm. Must also be why I don’t get chiggers either.
Elsa Lion says
You are exactly right!! Ckeaners are nothing more than nicely packaged soap.velbow grease, dawn, a little bleach and all is perfect!
Ashley Resewehr says
Thank you! I plan on trying your floor cleaner!!
hilary says
a steamer is best on laminate flooring to clean with
Nicole Burkholder says
I need to get one of those now that half my house is laminate flooring!
Cindy says
You should never use steam on laminated floor as it will damage it!
Jan Pate says
As long as the steamer is on low, it will not hurt laminate floors. Ive been using a steamer on mine for several years.
Pat says
Absolutely, no steam, period.
Lacey says
Agree! Steamers are awesome on tile floors though. Since Instarted using one, I don’t use anything else anymore.
Nancy Bazemore says
Do you have a suggestion for cleaning white bathroom shower tile and grout floors–it is the grout that won’t come clean. I’ve tried a lot of things but nothing works so far. I haven’t tried coke yet or denture cleaner (use to soak finger nails after working in the yard). There has to be something. Nancy
Nicole Burkholder says
I have tile counters (I HATE them) and I deal with grimy grout all the time. It’s slow work, but it’s not hard- just tedious. Try this!
Lacey says
Keep in mind though, that grout is based primarily of cement and sand. Sand, like glass, is unaffected chemically by most cleaners. Cement is not – rather it is alkaline based and is dissolved by acids. As baking soda and vinegar react, so do grout and vinegar.
Accordingly, it is better to clean grout with an alkaline cleaner (Spic and Span, Mr. Clean, etc.) than an acid based cleaner. There are also specialty cleaners available at most tile retailers that are designed for tile and grout. There are also cleaners with enzymes that attack stains similar to enzyme pre-soaks for laundry.
Candace says
Hi Nancy, I have to chime in b/c I just did this. Nothing I found on Pintrest worked on my shower grout. Tried the baking soda/vinegar. Tried letting toilet bowl cleaner with bleach sit on the wall – no luck.
Finally I remembered COMET with Bleach (no it’s not non-toxic but at this point I don’t care b/c mold is toxic and I want it gone) it has been the best shower cleaning I’ve ever used and decided to try that with a brush on a power drill (see here for instructions or search Pinterest for more options…. This was the winner for me. I would have 2 bowls. One with water and one with the Comet Bleach. I would dip the brush in the water, then in the Comet powder – it would last about 2 edges of tile and I would dip in both again. Doesn’t work if the powder it too dry.
Candace says
Oh, I forgot to mention….the Magic Eraser does work well if your grout is wide enough. My tiles were too close together to get the Magic Eraser in.
Judy says
I use plain baking soda with a wet sponge for bathroom shower,a little elbow grease,then rinse with hot nice and shiny clean
Nicole Burkholder says
Baking soda is a remarkable cleaning agent!
Michelle Rethmeyer says
Just read that you can paint non sealed grout with acrylic paint.. The paint would be easy to clean.
Nicole Burkholder says
Now THAT would be a great idea. I just might have to try that.
Dianne Finnegan says
I’ve always preferred white grout, which unfortunately shows dirt and mold pretty easily. I used to use a q-tip to run straight bleach along the grout line. Within a short time it was white again! For cleaning the tub and shower enclosure I used a tip I saw on Facebook before, and it worked like a charm! Heat one cup of cleaning vinegar and funnel into a spray bottle. Add a cup of Blue Dawn and spray down the tub and enclosure while mixture is still hot. Let sit for 2 hrs, then easily scrub off any build-up. Best solution I’ve ever tried! My husband raves about his “brand new” shower every time!!.
Nicole Burkholder says
Yes! We have a spray bottle of the same thing in our shower for that purpose! I use the bleach on my kitchen counter (I HATE my counters because they are the old tile with grout that is never clean.) Technically, you’re not supposed to use bleach because it eats away the grout and the sealant, but mine is so old, I don’t even care. I just want it CLEAN!
Shirley says
Oven cleaner is the best grout cleaner . Just buy the one with no smell and make sure to have good ventilation.
Nicole Burkholder says
Fascinating! I don’t think I’ve ever heard that, but I’m going to have to try it. (After I buy the kind that won’t kill me with fumes) 🙂
jjm7530 says
The whole idea of using the soda and vinegar is primarily for that reaction…. The bubbling helps lift dirt and stains… It is a very very old recipe and many cleaning companies and commercial kitchens are using it now.
Beth says
There is some bad chemistry going here. Acids and bases react together and that is what you are doing (sometimes violently and you are seeing some of that occur with the bubbles). Vinegar is an acid and baking soda a base (alkaline). Just use one or the other….never both together. I see this over and over on pinterest. Someones dishwasher exploded because someone had recomended to mix the two and run a cycle to clean it.
Nicole Burkholder says
This has been mentioned and addressed in some earlier comments- I know the first time I used this (when I took the photo) I used baking soda, so in essence I ended up using soapy water once the reaction was over. However, since then, I’ve used washing soda, which has a slightly different chemical composition. I’m not sure if it makes a difference either way, but I do know that my floors get clean! 🙂 And I’d hardly call vinegar and baking soda “violent” since we’ve all done that in grade school. Not sure that I would recommend it for the dishwasher, though 🙂